Knowledge Base Article #101:

Verbal Order Assessment will not interface over to SAM - error: Plan of care does not exist for verbal order


Verbal Order Assessment will not interface over to SAM - error: Plan of care does not exist for verbal order


A client has two payers in SAM. When payers are added, only one of multiple payers may be marked as the 'Point of Care' payer. This one payer is used to associate all poc/vo's or visits coming in from a third party vendor(GRULE) which are unaware of payer information. Both payers for the client require plans of care for billing. Once a plan of care is entered in SAM, it is associated with a payer. If the third party vendor (GRULE) doesn't specify a payer for the plan of care, the Point of Care payer is assumed.  If a verbal order to that poc is sent to SAM, SAM will look for a plan of care for that client that is associated with the Point of Care Payer. SAM uses the office, client_no, admit_no, cert_begin, cert_end, and payer to find a plan of care for the specified verbal order. If it can't find one, an error is returned - Plan of care does not exist for verbal order.  Since GRULE doesn't know about payers, it doesn't supply one when sending poc/vo's, so the Point of care payer for that client is used.  To solve this problem, we changed the Point of Care payer for the client to the other payer, and the verbal order was successfully sent to SAM.

Keywords: Sam Interface, Verbal Order, Plan of care, does not exist for verbal order
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