Knowledge Base Article #5:

Unable to print page 9 of Start of Care Assessment in Oasis

Problem: When printing a "Start of Care" Oasis assessment to a HP2100 printer, pages 1-8 are printed but when page 9 comes up, the sofware locks up and closes.  (This is also experienced with a HPLJ6).  The user also cannot print page 9 individually. 
Resolution: The temporary solution is to add paper to the auxillary tray (or tray 2).  We are currently unsure as to why this is happening, because each page is it's own report, however, page 9 seems to want to print to the auxillary tray.  Golden Rule Software is researching the issue for a permanent resolution.
Keywords: Print, Page 9, Unable to print page 9 of Start of Care Assessment in Oasis, Oasis, Assessment, Start of Care
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